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e m a i l   g l a m o u r b o m b

by Arethinn

SUBJECT: Not a snowball fight...

Yes, you heard me, this is NOT a snowball!

This is something far, far better.

The next age is coming, and it is a far, far better thing we do than we have ever done before. Or something.

The hosts of Faërie are gathering, and magic is everywhere. Elves, dragons, and all sorts of faery beings

are alive

on Earth


...and we are setting to work.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Between the worlds
of men and gods
there go I.
And it's neither Blasphemy
nor escapism.
It's REALITY, man!
(Susan Sigl)

                       No Magic, know Veil; know Magic, no Veil.

"Anything is possible.
Perhaps I have feathers."
(Peter S. Beagle)

                       YOUR WINGS ARE REAL!!

"Things are only impossible
until they are not." (ST:TNG)

                       Think global. Act loco.

Listen to the MUSTN'Ts, child,
Listen to the DON'Ts,
Listen to the SHOULDN'Ts, the IMPOSSIBLEs, the WON'Ts
Listen to the NEVER HAVEs, then listen close to me...
ANYTHING can happen, child, ANYTHING can be.
(Shel Silverstein)

                       The strongest magic is belief.

yes, it's true... you've been hit by a

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*    **  *   GLAMOUR BOMB!!!  * *    *    *  *

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You've been touched by a bit of Faerie now - so lob the bomb to others! Spread the glamour and make life amazing for yourself and others. Live magically - you will not regret it.

Enchanted be!


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